Our Island Story, Part 1 - Book 2
by Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall (1867 - 1941)
William the Red - 06:52
The Story of the White Ship - 15:18
The Story of King Stephan - 08:24
Gilbert and Rohesia - 07:32
Thomas a Becket - 12:24
Conquest of Ireland - 05:51
Richard Couer de Lion - 12:05
How Blondel Found the King - 10:09
Prince Arthur - 05:21
The Great Charter - 14:45
Hubert de Burgh - :08:52
Simon de Montfort - 09:49
The Story of the Poisoned Dagger - 06:53
The Little War of Chalons - 05:58
The First Prince of Wales - 07:36
The Hammer of the Scots - 07:52
Robert the Bruce and Bohun - 09:09
The Battle of Bannockburn - 05:37
The Battle of Sluys - 06:10
The Battle of Crecy - 12:28
The Siege of Calais - 11:53
The Battle of Poitiers - 07:28
Wat Tyler's Rebellion - 13:23
How King Richard II Lost his Throne - 05:18
The Battle of Shrewsbury - 07:10
How Prince Hal was Sent to Prison - 05:00
The Battle of Agincourt - 8:28
The Maid of Orleans - 11:24